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Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans.

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' I'll have you seeing double ' (from Queen's Flick Of The Wrist')
Re-creating Hyde Park.
For The Record
Being gay and having knowledge of 1970s Freddie Mercury is a plus to understanding Fairy. Fans, just for the record .... if any of us are on here doing any of the following about Fairy (like she/her) know these (below) are why... Thank you for being so 'awestruck' and 'impressed', etc. over his/her eerie canny resemblance to (1970s) Freddie Mercury.
Regarding 'She/Her' Throughout Site:

What's the point in being glam if no one can see you glitter?

"Did you know the real Freddie only appears 3 times on my site?
The re-creating Hyde Park video on the homepage, autographed photo of him
(I cherish) calling himself an 'old tart' on the first Loyal Subjects and the thing about him in my profile, when s/he had the spotlight turned on some wanker who called him a poof at a Queen concert and s/he told the ass 'say it again, darling' and the ass was just silent. All else on my site is me." -- Fairy Mercury
Site Updates, Recent Events, Messages
The Latest Happenings in Fairy Land​
Fairy Mercury Tour Dates And Events
Fairy flutters in a different direction and changes course, staying in UK
The glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury has changed the start of her upcoming
Messenger Of The Gods spring/summer tour. It will start with the UK leg of the tour.
Tour Itinerary for April as follows:
April 11-12 / Cardiff (tickets on sale 26 March) ** SOLD OUT! **
April 25-26 / Bristol (tickets on sale 09 April)
New blog page Androgynous Fairy has started. Fairy shares important updates and tour news!
The ever so elegant satin queen Fairy Mercury looking identical to his idol with erotic glossed lips and eye lined exotic dark eyes.
'When I started photographing Fairy, I made it a point to try to capture erotic shots in order to capture the overly sexual demeanour of the exotic prancer, which his idol (1970s) Freddie Mercury was well known for having possessed as well.'
-- Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio
(Foreword from photo book: 'Mirror Image - Fairy Mercury; Becoming 1970s Freddie Mercury' exclusively sold only to fan club members)
Where Are The Photos?
This is something I have never done because it is a part of my 'strategy'. That is having 'photos' or a 'gallery' on my site. The reasons are this. I loathe when people will only look at photos. Or watch video. So to trick anyone who comes to my site, they are made to look through it to see photos of me being so (1970s decade) Freddie. Otherwise, that's all curiosity seeking fools with no real interest will do is come and 'photos' link would be the most 'visited' page.
Now, dears, you probably can ask me, well, why do you have a videos page? I have my reasons ...
Recently Added Pages
(listed from most recent to oldest)​
Mild Sensation - (from song 'My Melancholy Blues'). This page, of course, will have more of Fairy's Freddie Mercury lookalike-ness. Will also feature details of the glam rock Killer Queen's spring / summer tour, including the contest winning name of the new European/UK tour, and so much more!
Dearie Me - The newly added page starts off with discussion of Killer Queen's latest music video. Making of the video and more. 'Dearie Me' was based on a concept art idea Freddie Mercury had for Queen's first album.
Airy-Fairy - 'My lyrics and songs are mainly fantasies. I make them up. They are not down to earth, they're kind of airy-fairy ' - Freddie Mercury (circa 1970s). Airy-fairy defined: lovely, delicate, impractical. Freddie Mercury's singing was often described as 'delicate'. The page will continue to cover Fairy's identical likeness to 1970s decade Freddie Mercury and will premiere an all new Fairy music video performing the 'airy-fairy' My Fairy King along with 2 other Queen songs. The page includes an exclusive, revealing, candid interview with Fairy.
Vainest Creature - 'My dear, I'm the vainest creature going' - Freddie Mercury, 1974. From the ... glossed ... lips of Fairy: 'I read how Mick Rock (famed glam rock photographer) said most rock acts were known for being vulgar. Queen weren't. They had a 'lust for magnificence'. I love that he said that about Queen, because it shows how
they stood out and apart from the carbon copy heterosexual bores. I was going to name the page
'Lust For Magnificence' but I decided to go with something from a Freddie quote. I love the quote.'
Pomp And Circumstance - The divine lush creature tells her adoring fans, with a bit of camp:
'I have a wonderful surprise I'd like to start out the new page with. The new page will be titled (I cheated and got
this one from a book on Queen. Omg! I am so awful!! Sorry for the unlike me unoriginality!)
Definition of the term: the term pomp and circumstance describes a ceremony of grandeur, a very formal celebration
It seems so regal (most likely why it was being used in a book on the glam rock band Queen...) and so Freddie.'
Repertoire - Fairy embarks on her Phoenix Reborn tour with Russian ballet danseur Pavlova and his Haze Theatre troupe. She also introduces her 'colourized concept art photos' to her adoring fans, who go wild over them.
Pouncing And Pooving - Poove defined - a term used for an upper class or "posh" homosexual male in etiquette and fashion Freddie Mercury would often say s/he was 'pooving and pouncing'. 'Mr. X' told me the pouncing was ...
Heir To The Throne - The page delves even deeper into why Fairy is 'this day and age '70s decade Freddie Mercury' and deserves the fame and recognition.
Seeing Double - 'I'll have you seeing double' (from Queen's Flick Of The Wrist, written by Freddie Mercury). Perhaps you have heard the phrase 'spitting image' ( someone who looks very much like someone else). Seeing Double will consist of 'emulation photography' of Fairy's identical likeness to her idol 1970s decade Freddie Mercury who s/he emulates to perfection.
Glam Rock 'n Roll - Effeminate and androgynous, that was what 'glam rock' was all about.
Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind - I might title my next tour Phoenix Reborn. Someone came to my site after searching 'Freddie reborn' on Google. Wild, huh?
Phoenix Reborn - Many of Fairy's adoring fans believe s/he is ‘this day and age Freddie Mercury’ - reincarnated. On the logo Freddie Mercury designed for Queen is a Phoenix. The story of the Phoenix is that when the bird was about to die, it would build a funeral pyre and set itself on fire to be reborn... Reincarnated. It will explore the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury's cabaret beginnings and reveal more about Pavlova being 'destined to be the lord of dance Nureyev' and the making of 'this day and age (1970s decade) Freddie Mercury'. Fairy reminisces about One year later, the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury reminisces on when she performed at the multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur's grand Haze Theatre for the very first time.
As It Began - 'When I watched Fairy’s ‘first ever self produced video’ for the first time. I have viewed it several times since. I found myself wiping away tears. The stage presence in the footage and the vocals capture Freddie so perfectly. I was left absolutely speechless!' (famed celebrity who knew Freddie Mercury and Nureyev in the 1970s). Multimillionaire ballet danseur Pavlova does a major slip up subtle reveal.
Poseur And Danseur - 'I'm quite happy being the lead poseur of Queen' Freddie Mercury - page covers more of Fairy eerie canny likeness to her idol. The glam rock queen celebrates her birthday and first wedding anniversary to Russian ballet danseur Pavlova
Androgynous Hermaphrodite - Captivating and revealing! Hailed as a take off of Fairy's Profile
Don't Stop Me Now - Living The Rockstar Dream: The Freddie Mercury Impersonator Experience
Command Performance - The page highlights Fairy's Fairy Soars 2023 European and UK spring/summer tour. Also includes very sexual candid of the overly sexual glam rock queen's ... erm ... sex life: 'Oh yes, I have lost my custom cockring for good to the lovely slender limp wrist of the unruly creature wishes to make it permanent 'fashionably naughty bracelet' so perhaps I shall have another made ...' Pavlova
Elegant Grandeur -'Nip-slip' anyone? Fairy embarks on first ever European tour titled Fairy Soars.

'Glam rock queen' Fairy Mercury not only captivatingly resembles
rock legend Freddie Mercury (1970s decade), but Fairy astonishingly and effortlessly captures Freddie's stage presence.
Many of the videos were recorded live in concert, Fairy breathtakingly performing many of 1970s Queen's songs.
Including live footage and photos. Sheer talent!
Absolutely no lip syncing!!
It's all real and all Fairy, being such mirror image of Freddie.
Please Note: Below Pages Are From Fairy's Beginnings.
They Range From Oldest First Pages That Were Created,
Dating From The Start Of Fairy's Career In 2019 Up To The First Part Of 2022.
The Above List, Is The Most Recent Pages. 2022 - Present.
' I'm causing a mild sensation '
(from Queen's 'My Melancholy Blues' written by Freddie Mercury)
The divine lush creature that is Fairy Mercury looking identical to his beloved idol 1970s Freddie Mercury. Glossed lips under blue spotlights. AHPStudio is a complicated story. Sued for copyright infringement by the exotic prancer's long-time personal photographer Mr. Greg Hastings in 2018.

Flight Of The Fairy
This could aptly be renamed the Queen song 'White Queen (As It Began)' because it outlines Fairy's 'comeback' after the COVID epidemic. Embarking on a 'mini tour' the glam rock 'queen' named 'Flight of the Fairy'. Venues in and around London.
Quote from Fairy's personal photographer viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings: 'I am so glad Fairy is back at doing what s/he lives for and loves - the stage, his aspirations to perform as his beloved idol Freddie Mercury and being live before his adoring fans.'
'As with all the rest of you fans, I am so happy s/he is back performing. It renewed him. He candidly shared with me, and it was so emotional I cried, that s/he was ‘becoming like a wilting flower’ because he lives for his aspirations to be his idol.'

'This post will be a love story. My love for the stage - my aspirations to be my beloved idol 1970s decade Freddie Mercury; to prance - follow in his ballet slippers footsteps. '

'I reign with my left hand,
I rule with my right I'm lord of all darkness,
I'm Queen of the night'
(from the androgynous lyrics of Queen's 'The March Of The Black Queen' written by Freddie Mercury, of course...)
Being a very openly gay 'effeminate queen' - he isn't being cryptic out of a closeted queen dropping hints, but much of what he does is him being his overly sexual self - erotically teasing and trying to provoke a response from you, his adoring fans, or whoever that knows it's meant for them.

'Guaranteed to blow your mind '
(from 'Killer Queen', written by Fairy's idol Freddie Mercury)
"Fairy Mercury - exotic, erotic and elegant is a sight to behold!" states one awestruck venue booking agent.

​Things already start out on a campy note as the ever so elegant Fairy's sibilant purr is telling me, 'I wonder why a person's nipples become erect when they're cold.' Totally unaware the 'Russian Prince' has walked up behind him hearing this!

Fairy excitedly purrs, ‘Darling, I have another idea I know my precious fans will just love. Let me perform a weekend here in Haze Theatre.’

Splendour - the British variant of splendor. Brilliance, pomp, magnificence. Magnifico!

'Once we were mad, we were happy - we spent all our days holding hands together ...' from Queen's 'The Millionaire Waltz' written by Freddie Mercury, of course, who took the inspiration of the song from Austrian composer Johann Strauss. This page will cover candid Fairy including him performing the song at the very start of his Flight Of The Fairy tour which kicked off in Brighton.

​What's the point in being glam if no one can see you glitter?

The ever so elegant Fairy Mercury continues to prance in the ballet slippers of his idol 1970's decade Freddie Mercury in his surreal journey through life and fame. 'I did this very exotic leap, fell into the dancers' arms...' Freddie Mercury on learning ballet with the Royal Ballet.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
This page is loaded with video of Fairy and Pavlova.
Sad note about the page. It premiered the groundbreaking
'All Dead, All Dead' video (choreographed by Pavlova)
with Fairy doing her Liza/Freddie (miZ Mercury) vocals.
But the page ended on a sad eerie note, considering what the song is about, including it's name.
The last post on the page was made by Dame Eleanor and it was
the final thing she posted to Fairy's site before she passed away.
She (Fairy) faces me and purrs, ‘where did you get that footage of me being a silly tart camping it up pretending a maraca was a tit?’
I laugh pulling myself off the edge of the desk and go to the mini bar telling the exotic creature, ‘isn’t that what fans do, kitten? Film concerts even if it’s illegal. How does one say in the music industry? Bootleg? The venue you’re so fond of in Brighton. The man who books shows happens to be a good friend of mine. He tells me you do Freddie Mercury to the minute detail even the chest thrust out pose. Thrusting out your tits.’
Notes fromPublic Relations for Fairy Mercury:
This page starts out with Fairy at her overly sexual erotic best.
Her and Pavlova engage in conversation (of all things) her lips
and ... tits. Then the sad devastating news of Dame Eleanor's death broke. Fairy's touching send off to her was heart wrenching!

Behind the phrase - Freddie Mercury was given a what used to be called 'life-line' basically meaning a capsuled bio. on a star. One of the parts asked to fill in 'your dream' and Fairy's idol's reply to it was: 'to remain the divine lush creature that I am.'
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
That was one long page!! The FAIRY ... tale couple's relationship
evolves. Fairy briefly mentions having sex with Pavlova for the first time ... Intro. of 'the book' and Pavlova becomes vague and evasive. Too obvious the glam rock queen's mysterious Russian prince knows he'll have to reveal 'the truth' about himself to her soon. Yes, Fairy's adoring fans, re-live the beginnings because it really is fascinating to read their relationship evolved.
'Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited' - the name of the exotic prancer's new tour name; as Pavlova explained: "It is a take on the Queen song (written by FM) 'In The Lap Of The Gods ... Revisited'. " Photo left: In white pleated winged frock look with bouquet.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
Fairy and Pavlova with their overly sexual demeanour.
VERY sexual excerpts from ‘the book’
What Greg (Hastings, viVid Photo Studio) and I (Jorge Schumann, PR for Fairy) found odd about this page is why did we name it
what we did and Fairy’s groundbreaking 2002 tour wasn’t even mentioned until the following page – You Brought Me Fame And Fortune.

Through the lens of my camera and the work of a Haze Theatre wardrobe designer, we will delve into the making of the exotic prancer Fairy Mercury whose life so eerily mirrors the rock legend Freddie Mercury who he aspires to be.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio
Personal photographer to Fairy Mercury
‘Without fans the entertainer really has nothing; if his talents can't be adored. It is the excitement, the interest, the adoration of the audience that is the real ecstasy.' - Fairy Mercury, popular lookalike/impersonator of (1970s) Queen's Freddie Mercury
‘I’ve taken my bows and my curtain calls. You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it, I thank you all’
(from Queen’s ‘We Are The Champions’)
Additional notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The page You Brought Me Fame And Fortune is when the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury embarked on her first major tour. Her and her personal photographer Greg Hastings came up with a unique ‘revisited’ idea explained in note I made on the page. After the ‘revisited’ section, it goes back to the present.
The captivating ‘FAIRY … tale couple’ with their VERY sexual demeanour. Includes more from ‘the book’
This page would be considered a MAJOR focal point. Because the page was a HUGE turning point in Fairy’s fame and is a VERY popular page among fans. It covers her very first performance at Haze Theatre and her multimillionaire princely Russian ballet danseur romantically gifts her an engagement ring at the Peter Pan statue in
Hyde Park which VERY important and wealthy ‘high class society’ looking on through opera glasses from a distance.

Meeting the exotic prancer and the possibility of re-creating
Hyde Park. More highlights from the already very successful
Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited tour.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The page No Escape From Reality is considered another fan favourite. Fairy’s costume designer highlights the highly anticipated first ever two shows Fairy performed at Haze Theatre, which also kicked off her spring/summer Flight Of The Fairy … Revisited tour. This was when the glam rock queen met the famous man Pavlova refers to as ‘Mr. X’. Who knew both Freddie Mercury in the 1970s and Rudolf Nureyev. ‘Mr. X’ attended both nights and is a very close friend of Pavlova.
Haze Theatre was her largest capacity audience she had played to and not only that, but besides her adoring fans, there were many very important, very wealthy people in attendance.
... the tight form fitting satin catsuits and leotards though.... Kind of like the erotic tart and those 'obscenely tight' (as he puts it) satin trousers. Looks of his idol he wears.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The page Flick Of The Wrist. More overly sexual from Pavlova and Fairy – the ‘FAIRY … Tale Couple’. Fairy admits being ‘very shy’ of Pavlova. VERY sexual. The multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur shows up drunk to the Manchester hotel Fairy is staying in for her Manchester concert. Sex and Pavlova’s drunken state inspires the campy queen to come up with Myaow Meeow Productions. If you tend to be prudish, I wouldn’t recommend reading it.

Pictured left, satin queen Fairy Mercury with his exotic eye lined eyes forever looking identical to his idol 1970s decade Freddie Mercury he not only emulates but practically is incarnate of. Comments by Fairy himself, an avid long-time fan's input and
Mr. Greg Hastings on photographing the (1970s decade) Freddie Mercury incarnate / lookalike.
Revisions Include: both Fairy and Russian ballet danseur Pavlova's eerie canny likeness to Nureyev and '70s Freddie Mercury.
Wildly stunning!
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The page Mirror Image. A personal favourite of the glam rock queen's. My summaries will probably end there. Fairy's first ever set list which she wrote out in her eyeliner pencil appears on it (as well as her profile) and fan Richard Denning details winning it and receiving it ('Revisited' section).
Blushingly overly sexual. Fairy’s costume designer and the Russian ballet danseur/multimillionaire Pavlova gets in an argument over, of all things, Fairy’s tits … The glam rock queen slinks in asking if they not think it embarrassing getting in arguments over her tits.

I remember Greg (my photographer) saying to me one day, 'you're not a lookalike - impersonator or whatever - you're the incarnate of '70s decade Freddie Mercury!' I mean it, dears, it is not a fucking act - made up! I for real naturally am campy, effeminate (queen), overly sexual and everything else my idol was.
I can't express how much I love my life and my career/fame more than ever now that I have found my Nureyev who completes me in my pursuit to prance / follow in the ballet slippers footsteps of my beloved idol Freddie Mercury.

Persian glam rock superstar Fairy Mercury continues to make history on 'her' Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited tour with the help of Russian ballet danseur Pavlova. The 'FAIRY ... tale couple'.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The glam rock queen literally faints as she finds out a major truth about her mysterious multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur.
What happened next was embarrassing, your exotic star quietly moaned, coming to, the black nails left hand reached out pawing at - I'll just call it - 'the well endowed-ness' in his trousers. An extreme embarrassed look crossed Pavlova's face and he knelt down alongside the chaise taking her hand, kissed the back of it, then placed it to his chest saying, 'no, kitten, feel my heart not that, although - that throbs - it is not my heart.' Fairy literally blushed and I saw what her costume designer meant when he keeps telling Pavlova that Fairy is very shy of him.
Towards the end, Greg Hastings goes on epic rant.
Fairy elegantly turns things right back on topic after briefly thanking her loyal photographer for defending her. Back on topic, Pavlova, the prince he is, asking Fairy ‘should I describe every inch of you?’ when things become overly sexual once again.

Highlights from exotic prancer's sold out shows at the magnificent Haze Theatre. Along with detailed look back at her 1st ever shows at Haze Theatre which kicked off the divine lush creature's spring/summer Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited tour.
Also details of the FAIRY ... tale couple's wedding in June and their fairy tale romantic relationship that has the glam rock queen's millions of adoring fans captivated.
Pavlova tells about the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury being nude in the garden and Minkus. It’s hilarious!
'Fairy' - slang for 'gay' (effeminate gay to be exact...)
'Someone has drained the colour from my wings
Broken my fairy circle ring
And shamed the king in all his pride
Changed the winds and wronged the tides'
(lyrics from Queen's 'My Fairy King' written by Freddie Mercury)
A candid 'behind the scenes' look at entertainer/incarnate of
1970s Freddie Mercury - the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's life
on and off stage.

This page will be continuous and maintained by long time fan of Fairy and her fan club president Geoff Stafford. Insights from an avid fan's point of view. Online Fairy Mercury 'fanzine'. Now ran by Fairy's mock-up Queen guitarist John Price!
**Please note: for other editions, go to menu at right top of page and look for sub-menu under Loyal Subjects link.
'The concept of Queen is to be regal and majestic. Glamour is a part of us, and we want to be dandy.' - Freddie Mercury (circa, 1970s). This quote of Fairy's idol defines Fairy who loves to tart herself up in silk, satin, velvet (like her '70s idol). 'The more obscenely tight, the more erotic, darlings!' is what Fairy's sibilant purr exclaims. Photo (left) Fairy in the 'Black Queen' satin catsuit look of her idol.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
More of the campy queen's overly sexual demeanour.
More back of limo...
Pavlova sets the record straight about a few things.
Killer Queen's costume designer details Pavlova teasing Fairy
over her emulating his 'princely bow' backstage.
Greg Hastings even threw in a very erotic photo of the glam rock queen on stage in her red kimono!

Need we remind - 'queen' slang for a campy effeminate gay male. This page is a very revealing and candid look at the divine lush creature Fairy Mercury.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
One word: tucking ...
Fairy at her campy queen finest with 'litter box' and Pavlova isn't
insulted because it's that campy.

'Funny How Love Is' (Queen song) The name tells all - more on the 'FAIRY ... tale couple's' romantic regal extravagant 25 June wedding at Pavlova's Vienna estate as well as more translation from 'the diary' and much more.
Including exclusive! The exotic prancer's personal photographer does another photo shoot of Fairy emulating poses in the white satin fairy winged frock she will be wearing to marry her dashing Russian prince/ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova in!!
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
A major truth about the multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur is revealed to the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury who literally faints and goes into shock having to be medically treated for shock.
Then there's Philip Goldman ... The viVid Photo Studio asst. photographer details photographing and filming the FAIRY ... tale couple's Vienna wedding (of course, in depth coverage can be read/seen on Fairy's fan club).
The page is very long. A lot of content with a lot of erotic ... imagery. You can't say Fairy's sites (both fan club and public) lack content, that's for sure!

Effeminate defined: male having traits traditionally considered feminine.
Epicene defined: having characteristics of both sexes.
Queen defined: slang for an effeminate gay male.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
The glam rock queen's costume designer argues once again with Pavlova about Fairy's tits, and it's hilarious!!
Killer Queen uses online translation tool to snoop into Russian conversation the costume designer and Pavlova are having.
A LOT of content!
' ... after she (Fairy) left he thought Fairy was "very erotic looking in person - up close - not from the audience view of her on the stage and looks even more eerily like the real Freddie Mercury"
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
Pavlova has viVid Photo Studio's asst. photographer Phil Goldman
take thee most princely photo of himself emulating his most fave
photo/pose of his idol Nureyev for his exotic glam rock Persian queen. Fairy becomes too shy over it and can't bring herself to reply except sexual strike throughs. Cute.
She premieres video of her emulating her idol 1970s Freddie Mercury to perfection on the two Queen Freddie Mercury written songs 'Jealousy' and 'Nevermore'
The page was oddly very short and never completed.

Glam rock queen Fairy Mercury details her first ever upcoming European tour. The page will include an exclusive 'write up' she will be doing entitled: 'Destined To Be Lord Of Dance' where
Killer Queen will candidly talk with her husband, the multimillionaire Russian prince/ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova.
The discussion will cover, Pavlova's lineage, 'the diaries',
him being 'groomed' to become the image of Nureyev, their 'romantic, regal, extravagant' wedding at Pavlova's lavish Vienna estate and choreographing his own version of the ballet Giselle. Where the divine lush creature Fairy Mercury will dance the part
of Giselle and Pavlova (of course) will dance as Prince Albrecht
and more! The FAIRY ... Tale Couple.
PLUS! Putting together Fairy's '70s Freddie Mercury image by
her costume designer.
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
Fairy 'interviews' Pavlova in a very revealing moment.
Also, how viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings met the famous glam rock queen is detailed, and it's so epic! Along with details
of how Killer Queen's very talented costume designer met Fairy.

'I've taken my bows and my curtain calls' - from Queen's 'We Are The Champions'. Fairy soars to distant lands as she readies herself to embark on her first ever European tour. Plus! The glam rock queen turns exotic prancer. Details of Fairy dancing as Giselle opposite Russian ballet danseur Pavlova's Prince Albrecht in Pavlova's choreographed version of the ballet 'Giselle'.

This page cover's the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury's theatrical debut on the stage of Haze Theatre dancing as Giselle opposite Russian ballet danseur Pavlova's Prince Albrecht in Pavlova's choreographed version of the ballet 'Giselle'.
Plus!! The long awaited for details of her first ever European
tour Fairy Soars. Be ready to be rocked by the glam rock queen, Europe!
Notes from Public Relations for Fairy Mercury:
John Price makes his debut - first post to Killer Queen's public website. Fairy's emulation of her idol 1970s Freddie Mercury in her performance of 'Somebody To Love' is beyond breathtaking!
The glam rock queen bitchily turns on her fan club president Geoff Stafford, taking away the Loyal Subjects online fanzine from him. But things get sorted - watch out for those claws!!!
Glam rock queen eyes her first ever European tour. Are you ready, her 'European honies'? Fairy embarks on her first ever European tour with the backing of her Russian prince, multimillionaire ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova. Details and more.

"I just love when you become riled with excitement going into your ‘hyperventilating hysterics’. Always remember - as they say, about sex ... half the pleasure lies in the anticipation" - glam rock queen™ Fairy Mercury to her adoring fans.
Erm… welcome to Fairyland.